Saturday, October 06, 2007

Todays pictures are as follows:

1. Me in a boat on the Sea (lake because it is fresh water) of Galilee. We road from Genesar where we are staying to Capernaum this morning. Everything is very close within like 5 to 10 miles around the Sea of Galilee. From the sea you can see the Mt. of Beatitudes, where Jesus asked Peter do you love me 3 times after his resurrection, the feeding of the 5000 and then the 4000, the city of the hill that is Jesus example of letting you Light shine. I plan to swim in the sea before we leave.

2. Picture of the Synague in Capernaum the Jesus taught in. This was need to see where Jesus was known to have read the scriptures and taught. Capernaum is where around the age of 30 Jesus left Nazareth and made this his new home base. He called his disiples from the surrounding cities within about 4 miles.

3. This is Geresean or Kursi best known for where Jesus drives out the demon from the man who was naked and could not be bound in chains. The demons...Legion...runs into a herd of pigs of 2000 and they run down a cliff into the sea of Galilee. This is a picture of that cliff. After being healed Jesus tells the man to go to the Gentile lands of the Diaspora across the sea and tell of what Jesus did for him. Shortly after in the Gospels telling you read about Jesus feeding the 4000 in the Diaspora. Possibly this man was the first Gentile Evangelist.

4. Picture of the Jordan river feeding into the Sea of Galilee. It is lush around the Jordan. The picture is hazing because of the dust and lack of rain for 7 months.

Because of the dust my nose is bleeding and because of the food or water my stomack is turning, and because of the time change I am not sleeping much. But things are well. I look forward to American food. Today I have eaten two hard boiled eggs, lots of Pita bread, sopme hummus and two bites of cucumber. We are about to have dinner, but i don't much feel like eating. Tomorrow we head first off to the Mt. of Beatitudes.

Oh and don't let anyone tell you gifts here are cheap or that food is either...they are wrong :) So far we have not been able to bargin and lunch is more than in Homewood/Vestavia.

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