Saturday, October 11, 2008

" It is said that no one truly knows a nation until pne has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones...And South Africa treated its imprisoned African citizens like animals.| Nelson Mandela

So today we went first to Constitutional Hill which now houses the highest court in SA. It resides on the same spot as Old Fort Prison which hosues thousands of crimals, political activiest and such...Ghandi and Mandela are two of the most famous. Most people there were not even guilty of a crime. This prison ran up until 1983. They did horrible things to prisoners. Not letting them shower for months. Making them eat only rice soup, which it the water you cook your rice in. Requiring them to strip naked, jump up and down and bend over to show they were not hiding anything inside themselves. With the adoption of South Africa's new constitution they have abolished capital punishment. They have stated 8 reasons which I do not have with me so I will post them later. It is profound the way this country now values human diginity in all of us...even the worst.
After this we went to The Cradle of Humankind...this is where the oldest remains of humanoids have been found...3.5 billion years old. It was quite fascinating. And finally we went tonight to an outrageous outlandish bizzare play. It was quite entertaining simple because of the silly nature of it.
We go to church in the morning and then head to the bush to spent some days with the wildlife here in SA. I can't wait!!!

1. Isolation cells. The one with the metal door open was used for torture and believed to be inhabitated by a ghost
2. Barbed wire even covered the top of the prison
3. The skeletal remains found in SA of humanoids through our present day form.
4. Me standing infront of the talk can see how easily a lion could hide in this tall grass without being seen. There were antelope up on the hill above me.


Unknown said...

Hey - we've been reading your post's here in Atlanta. Check your email when you get a chance. Talk to you soon.

Unknown said...

By the way that last comment was me - Steve - here at Deb's house, not Abby. I love you!