Monday, October 15, 2007

Today we head to all the major places of Christ's passion and resurrection. I am pretty excited adn can't wait. Though in Jerusalem things don't really look how you expect them too. there are lots of people and everything important has achurch or mosque built on top of it. But still I am expecting it to be a special day. yesterday we saw and walked throught the spot that David fought goliath...they feel 110% sure of this spot. It was really neat. We all picked up stones from the creek bed that David found his 5 smooth stones. My trip is almost over. I can not express my readiness and excitement to be home. yet at teh same time i will miss having such easy access to such sacred adn holy spots. It is easy to feel God when surrounded by such history. the stories come alive in ways you have never known them too before. I already regret not being able to retain more and not knowing my Bible better. We spent time with a Jewish man who expressed that Jews beleive all who come to Israel the Holy Land are called by God to come here. they beleive that whatever the reasons were you came God used that to get you here just to spent time with you in this Holy place. hearing that brought tears to my eyes because it reminded me god has been and will always be trying to get close to me and to help me experience him. God goes to such great lengths to be with us. How often I neglect to be open to his closeness and how much I am glad i was open to this. It is like being on a spiritual retreat and knowing the feelings will not stay the same when you leave, but you must leave because you need to share it adn give it away to other people. i pray i use these experiences wisely and that I encourage others to see God more clearly...even though at this time my head is swimming with fussiness from all i have taken in. I am even more convinced that God is more complex than we can imagine...the only easy answer is that God loves us all no doubt...and it seems much else is a matter of speculation.

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